'The Webbed one' has done it! No I don't mean Spiderman.
After 130 races, Mark Webber has finally got his first victory. None too soon either. This was long overdue. Oh, and did I mention that he did it in style?
This is a man whom everyone wanted to see win. He is as humble as they come. I remember walking past him in Singapore last year and I almost didn't notice him. By the time I did, he was a little distance off. But I did manage to take a couple of snaps of him. He walked past Ling and myself with a few of his engineers and he just looked like one of the crowd.
Well anyhoo, like I said, this man deserves this victory. And to think that he was punished along the way for knocking into Barrichello's car at the start. Despite his drive through penalty, he still caught up and maintained his lead to the end! To hear him screaming with happiness in the car to pit radio at the end of the race was pure delight. He was thanking everyone and anything under the sun. Good one Mark!
I honestly hope we get to see more of these different drivers winning along the way. But personally, I want to see Barrichello get one more victory. The old man of F1 deserves it. His outburst towards his team after this last race was a little uncalled for but he soon cooled down enough to compose himself afterwards. Yet, I feel , he should get at least one more under his belt.
So, Germany's F1 gave us a lot to remember. The fact that it almost started to rain was another thing. Imagine if it did. I was actually hoping for it. Wow that would have really played havoc on the drivers and the pit crew. I could almost see them scrambling around to get the right tyres on the cars. Remember Raikonnen and Ferrari in Malaysia? Man did they screw up or what!
I just can't wait for the action to come to Singapore. Oh and by the hoo, I would be receiving my tickets some time this month and I'd be unveiling them here on this blog. So stay tuned! I'd get my cat Gizmo to help me unwrap them.

Mark Webber and gang in Singapore.
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