Here are a few more photos I took at last years Singapore F1. Never in our wildest dreams did we ever think we'd get this near to the action.
And the champion holding up her 'trophy'! Wait a minute, that's a mineral water bottle! So they ran out of those Mumm champagne bottles did they?
Nice one Ling!
I know a friend who's gonna get pretty envious of this one.
Have wheels, will travel.
Pity these guys, They would have been leading the championship had they not sold the team to Ross Brawn for $1.oo. They must really be kicking themselves in their butts right now. Hell, I wouldn't mind paying a dollar just to watch them do that!
But seriously, I do feel very sorry for them. Most of them got laid off from their jobs after the take over.
Geniuses @ Work. Do Not Disturb!
But hey, they kept smiling at us as we kept clicking away.
Good on you lads!
And the sound those wheel guns make is unbelievable!
Watch the video at the end of this article.
A million points for you if you can guess what lies below.
Lewis Hamilton doing his walkabout. We met him again later when we took that photograph with him. He is really a very nice and friendly person.
Mark Webber doing his version of a walkabout. In fact most of the drivers we met were doing the same thing. Aren't these guys suppose to be loaded. Can't they afford a decent grandstand ticket. Why join us mere mortals with a one day walkabout ticket?
Ok that was my lame attempt at a joke. They are actually walking the ground to study the track. Every little bump, every corner, every inclination. Espescially since they've never driven on this track before.
Current leading driver Jenson Button on a 2 wheeler instead of his usual 4.
He smiled at us, gave a little horn and then rode off.
We had a super great time and a real adventure. Meeting all those drivers was a super bonus. We'll be there again this year. We've got our tickets booked, we're ready and we're willing.
And we'll see you there!
Here's the video of Toyota's engineers at what they do best.
The sound of those wheel guns is deafening! Really!
Forgive my shaky camera, a little nervous. Especially when that big bald guy turned around and looked at me. I thought he was going to swing that thing at me and tell me to get lost. But then he only smiled. Phew..that was close!)
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